Thursday, September 29, 2011

Is America divided into 'haves' and 'have-nots'? You say 'yes,' I say 'no'

Source: Pew Research

Despite an extended economic downturn, the public's impression of whether the nation is economically divided remains relatively stable. While 45% say American society is divided between "haves" and "have-nots," 52% say it is incorrect to think of the country this way. This is comparable to the balance of opinion a year ago.

The percentage of Americans who see society as divided between haves and have-nots declined shortly after Barack Obama took office, but has rebounded since. In April 2009, just 35% said the nation was divided economically, down from 44% in October 2008. The number saying the nation is economically divided increased to 42% a year later and has changed little since then (45% currently).

The latest survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and The Washington Post, conducted Sept. 22-25 among 1,000 adults, finds that 48% say that, if forced to choose, they are among the haves, while 34% say they are among the have-nots. This balance of opinion has changed little over the past six years. Over the longer term, however, the number seeing themselves in the have-nots has risen substantially. In 1988, half as many described themselves this way (17%) as is the case today (34%).

Read the full report for more details on the views of Republicans, Democrats and independents about this question and the views of Americans about who does more -- the Obama administration or congressional Republicans -- for the 'haves' or have-nots.'

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